Source code for dbgdb.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. currentmodule:: dbgdb.cli
.. moduleauthor:: Pat Daburu <>

This is the entry point for the command-line interface (CLI) application.  It
can be used as a handy facility for running the task from a command line.

.. note::

    To learn more about Click visit the
    `project website <>`_.  There is also a very
    helpful `tutorial video <>`_.

    To learn more about running Luigi, visit the Luigi project's
    `Read-The-Docs <>`_ page.
import multiprocessing
from typing import Iterable
import click
import luigi
from luijo.config import find_configs
from dbgdb.tasks.postgres.drop import PgDropSchemaTask
from dbgdb.tasks.postgres.extract import PgExtractTask
from dbgdb.tasks.postgres.load import PgLoadTask

[docs]class Info(object): """ This is an information object that can be used to pass data between CLI functions. """
[docs] def __init__(self): # Note that this object must have an empty constructor. self.local: bool self.workers: int self.config: str
# pass_info is a decorator for functions that pass 'Info' objects. #: pylint: disable=invalid-name pass_info = click.make_pass_decorator( Info, ensure=True ) # Change the options to below to suit the actual options for your task (or # tasks). @click.option('-l', '--local', is_flag=True) @click.option('--workers', type=int, default=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), help='the number of workers (defaults to the CPU count)') @pass_info def cli(info: Info, local: bool, workers: int): """ Run tasks in this library. """ info.local = local info.workers = workers
[docs]def run(tasks: Iterable[luigi.Task], info: Info): """ Run tasks on the local scheduler. :param tasks: the tasks to run :param info: the :py:class:`Info` object containing other parameters """ params = { 'workers': info.workers } if info.local: params['no_lock'] = False params['local_scheduler'] = True list(tasks), **params )
@cli.command() @click.option('-u', '--url', default='postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/gis', help='the URL of the database instance') @click.option('-s', '--schema', default='imports', help='the target schema') @click.argument('indata', type=click.Path(exists=True)) @pass_info def load(info: Info, url: str, schema: str, indata: str): """ Load data into a database instance. """ task = PgLoadTask(url=url, schema=schema, indata=indata) run([task], info) @cli.command() @click.option('-u', '--url', default='postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/gis', help='the URL of the database instance') @click.option('-s', '--schema', default='imports', help='the schema that contains the data') @click.argument('outdata', type=click.Path(exists=False)) @pass_info def extract(info: Info, url: str, schema: str, outdata: str): """ Extract data from a database instance. """ task = PgExtractTask(url=url, schema=schema, outdata=outdata) run([task], info) @cli.command() @click.option('-u', '--url', default='postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/gis', help='the URL of the database instance') @click.argument('what', type=click.Choice(['database', 'schema'])) @click.argument('name', type=str) @pass_info def drop(info: Info, url: str, what: str, name: str): """ Drop a database or schema. """ task: luigi.Task = None if what == 'database': click.echo('NOT IMPLEMENTED YET') elif what == 'schema': task = PgDropSchemaTask(url=url, schema=name) # Run the task. run([task], info) @cli.command() def findcfg(): """ Find the Luigi configuration files on the system. """ candidates = find_configs() if not candidates: click.echo( 'No candidate config files were found.', fg='yellow') ) else: for candidate in candidates: click.echo(, fg='blue'))