
API Documentation


Data pipeline utilities to help you get data into and out of your database.


This module contains utility functions to help when working with PostgreSQL databases.

dbgdb.db.postgres.connect(url: str, dbname: str = None, autocommit: bool = False)[source]

Create a connection to a Postgres database.

  • url – the Postgres instance URL
  • dbname – the target database name (if it differs from the one specified in the URL)
  • autocommit – Set the autocommit flag on the connection?

a psycopg2 connection

dbgdb.db.postgres.create_db(url: str, dbname: str, admindb: str = 'postgres')[source]

Create a database on a Postgres instance.

  • url – the Postgres instance URL
  • dbname – the name of the database
  • admindb – the name of an existing (presumably the main) database

dbgdb.db.postgres.create_extensions(url: str)[source]

Create the necessary database extensions.

Parameters:url – the URL of the database instance
dbgdb.db.postgres.create_schema(url: str, schema: str)[source]

Create a schema in the database.

  • url – the URL of the database instance
  • schema – the name of the schema
dbgdb.db.postgres.db_exists(url: str, dbname: str = None, admindb: str = 'postgres') → bool[source]

Does a given database on a Postgres instance exist?

  • url – the Postgres instance URL
  • dbname – the name of the database to test
  • admindb – the name of an existing (presumably the main) database

True if the database exists, otherwise False

dbgdb.db.postgres.drop_schema(url: str, schema: str)[source]

Drop a schema from the database.

  • url – the URL of the database instance
  • schema – the name of the schema
dbgdb.db.postgres.schema_exists(url: str, schema: str)[source]

Does a given schema exist within a Postgres database?

  • url – the Postgres instance URL and database
  • schema – the name of the schema

True if the schema exists, otherwise False

dbgdb.db.postgres.select_schema_tables(url: str, schema: str) → Iterable[str][source]

Select the names of the tables within a given schema.

  • url – the URL of the dat
  • schema – the name of the schema


This is the entry point for the command-line interface (CLI) application. It can be used as a handy facility for running the task from a command line.


To learn more about Click visit the project website. There is also a very helpful tutorial video.

To learn more about running Luigi, visit the Luigi project’s Read-The-Docs page.

class dbgdb.cli.Info[source]

Bases: object

This is an information object that can be used to pass data between CLI functions.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


pylint: disable=invalid-name

dbgdb.cli.run(tasks: Iterable[luigi.task.Task], info: dbgdb.cli.Info)[source]

Run tasks on the local scheduler.

  • tasks – the tasks to run
  • info – the Info object containing other parameters


This module contains wrapper functions for work that would generally be handled by OGR/GDAL.

class dbgdb.ogr.postgres.OgrDrivers[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

These are the supported OGR drivers.

GeoPackage = 'GPKG'
PostGIS = 'PostgreSQL'
Spatialite = 'SQLITE'
dbgdb.ogr.postgres.extract(outdata: pathlib.Path, schema: str = 'imports', url: str = 'postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres', driver: dbgdb.ogr.postgres.OgrDrivers = <OgrDrivers.Spatialite: 'SQLITE'>)[source]

Extract a schema from a PostgreSQL database to a file geodatabase.

  • outdata – the path to the output
  • schema – the schema to export
  • url – the URL of the Postgres database instance
  • driver – the OGR driver to use
dbgdb.ogr.postgres.load(indata: pathlib.Path, url: str = 'postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres', schema: str = 'imports', overwrite: bool = True, progress: bool = True, use_copy: bool = True, driver: dbgdb.ogr.postgres.OgrDrivers = <OgrDrivers.PostGIS: 'PostgreSQL'>)[source]

Load a file geodatabase (GDB) into a Postgres database.

  • indata – the path to the file geodatabase
  • url – the URL of the Postgres instance
  • schema – the target schema
  • overwrite – Overwrite existing data?
  • progress – Show progress?
  • use_copy – Use COPY instead of INSERT when loading?
  • driver – the OGR driver to use


This module contains PostgreSQL targets.

class dbgdb.targets.postgres.PgSchemaTarget(url: str, schema: str, dne: bool = False)[source]

Bases: luigi.target.Target

This is a target that represents a file geodatabase (GDB).

__init__(url: str, schema: str, dne: bool = False)[source]
  • url – the path to the file GDB
  • schema – the target schema
  • dne – (“does not exist”) this should be True if the target’s task is considered to be complete if the schema does not exist

Get a connection to the database.

Returns:a connection to the database
exists() → bool[source]

Does the file target schema exist?

Returns:True if the file geodatabase exists, otherwise False


This module contains the PgDropSchemaTask task which you can use to drop a schema.

class dbgdb.tasks.postgres.drop.PgDropSchemaTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: luigi.task.Task

This task loads a file geodatabase into a database instance.

  • url – the URL of the target database
  • schema – the target schema
output() → dbgdb.targets.postgres.PgSchemaTarget[source]

This task returns a PgSchemaTarget that points to the target schema where the GDB was loaded.

Returns:the PostgreSQL schema target

This task has no requirements.

Returns:an empty iteration

Run the task.

schema = <luigi.parameter.Parameter object>
url = <luigi.parameter.Parameter object>


This module contains the ExtractTask task which you can use to extract data from your database instance.

class dbgdb.tasks.postgres.extract.PgExtractTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: luigi.task.Task

This task loads a file geodatabase into a database instance.

  • url – the URL of the target database
  • schema – the target schema
  • outdata – the path to which data should be exported
  • driver – the driver to use for exporting data
driver = <luigi.parameter.EnumParameter object>
outdata = <luigi.parameter.Parameter object>
output() → luigi.local_target.LocalTarget[source]

This task returns a PgSchemaTarget that points to the target schema where the GDB was loaded.

Returns:the PostgreSQL schema target

This task has no requirements.

Returns:an empty iteration

Run the task.

schema = <luigi.parameter.Parameter object>
url = <luigi.parameter.Parameter object>


This module contains the LoadTask task which you can use to load a file geodatabase into your database instance.

class dbgdb.tasks.postgres.load.PgLoadTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: luigi.task.Task

This task loads a file geodatabase into a database instance.

  • url – the URL of the target database
  • schema – the target schema
  • indata – the path to the input data
indata = <luigi.parameter.Parameter object>
output() → dbgdb.targets.postgres.PgSchemaTarget[source]

This task returns a PgSchemaTarget that points to the target schema where the data was loaded.

Returns:the PostgreSQL schema target

This task has no requirements.

Returns:an empty iteration

Run the task.

schema = <luigi.parameter.Parameter object>
url = <luigi.parameter.Parameter object>