Source code for dbgdb.ogr.postgres

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Created by pat on 5/16/18
.. currentmodule:: dbgdb.ogr.postgres
.. moduleauthor:: Pat Daburu <>

This module contains wrapper functions for work that would generally be handled
from enum import Enum
from urllib.parse import urlparse, ParseResult
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
from . import OGR2OGR
from ..db.postgres import (

[docs]class OgrDrivers(Enum): """ These are the supported OGR drivers. """ GeoPackage = 'GPKG' Spatialite = 'SQLITE' PostGIS = 'PostgreSQL'
[docs]def load(indata: Path, url: str = 'postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres', schema: str = 'imports', overwrite: bool = True, progress: bool = True, use_copy: bool = True, driver: OgrDrivers = OgrDrivers.PostGIS): """ Load a file geodatabase (GDB) into a Postgres database. :param indata: the path to the file geodatabase :param url: the URL of the Postgres instance :param schema: the target schema :param overwrite: Overwrite existing data? :param progress: Show progress? :param use_copy: Use COPY instead of INSERT when loading? :param driver: the OGR driver to use """ # Parse the URL. (We'll need the pieces to construct an ogr2ogr connection # string.) dbp: ParseResult = urlparse(url) # Grab the proposed database name. dbname: str = dbp.path[1:] # If the target database doesn't exist... if not db_exists(url=url, dbname=dbname): # ...let's try to create it. create_db(url=url, dbname=dbname) # Before we let OGR do its thing, we need to make sure the database is # ready. create_extensions(url=url) create_schema(url=url, schema=schema) # Let's start putting the command string together. cmd = [ OGR2OGR, '-f', driver.value, f"PG:host='{dbp.hostname}' user='{dbp.username}' dbname='{dbname}' " f"port='{dbp.port}'", '-lco', f'SCHEMA={schema}' ] # If we're overwriting... if overwrite: cmd.extend(['-lco', 'OVERWRITE=YES']) # If we're supposed to show progress... if progress: cmd.append('-progress') # Should we use COPY instead of INSERT? # See if use_copy: cmd.extend(['--config', 'PG_USE_COPY', 'YES']) # Lastly, add the target geodatabase. cmd.append(str(indata)) # subprocess.check_call(cmd)
[docs]def extract(outdata: Path, schema: str = 'imports', url: str = 'postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/postgres', driver: OgrDrivers = OgrDrivers.Spatialite): """ Extract a schema from a PostgreSQL database to a file geodatabase. :param outdata: the path to the output :param schema: the schema to export :param url: the URL of the Postgres database instance :param driver: the OGR driver to use """ # Parse the URL. (We'll need the pieces to construct an ogr2ogr connection # string.) dbp: ParseResult = urlparse(url) # Grab the proposed database name. dbname: str = dbp.path[1:] # Let's put the command together. cmd = [ OGR2OGR, '-f', driver.value, str(outdata), f"PG:host='{dbp.hostname}' user='{dbp.username}' dbname='{dbname}' " f"port='{dbp.port}'" ] # Add the names of all the tables in the target schema. cmd.extend([ f'{schema}.{table_name}' for table_name in select_schema_tables(url=url, schema=schema) ]) # Go! Go! Go! subprocess.check_call(cmd)